Scientech-2281 Software Defined Radio
Scientech SDR objective is to provide a hands-on learning experience using SDR for engineering students, researcher and industry practitioners who are interested in mastering in software-defined radio (SDR), radio frequency (RF), and wireless communications

Scope of Learning
- Portable design.
- Designed around wireless industry, research & academic need.
- Block level approach.
- RF-up converter from 400MHz to 4GHz
- RF-down converter from 40MHz to 3GHz.
- Fully programmable.
- Control & acquisition for real-time signal time domain analysis on software.
- Built-in Low-noise frequency synthesizer.
- Built-in JTAG for FPGA configuration.
- Interface: Ethernet
- It allows engineers to prototype and test wireless communication applications.
- It comes along with standard built-in modules which will help engineers to kick start their wireless communication journey.
- It allows rapid prototyping of high performance wireless communication system.